Portable outdoor temporary storage units (e.g., PODS, U-Haul) must be registered if they remain in place for more than 72 hours.
- Register your temporary storage container using the provided form before its arrival.
- Fee: Registration is free of charge.
Container Rules:
- Duration: The container may remain on the property for no more than 30 days.
- Usage: Containers are for temporary storage of household items during loading and unloading only.
- Prohibited Contents: Do not store flammable materials, solid waste, or other restricted items.
- Size: Containers on residential properties must not exceed sixteen feet (16′) in length.
- Business Use: Containers cannot be used for conducting business or selling merchandise.
- Placement:
- Surface: Place the container on a paved or gravel area. If a driveway is under construction, place it in the proposed driveway location.
- Location: Keep the container entirely on private property, as close to the main structure as possible, and away from roadways, sidewalks, right-of-ways, or other public property. Ensure it does not block any sightlines.
- Property Line: Maintain a distance of at least five feet from any property line.
- Condition: Ensure the container is in good condition, free of rust, graffiti, weeds, signs, etc.
- Emergency Removal: The container must be removed upon declaration of a tropical storm warning or hurricane watch.
- Limit: Only one storage container is permitted on a property at a time.
Additional Requirements:
- Construction Equipment/Staging Permit: To park or operate construction equipment, dumpsters, trailers, portable storage units, or other materials within Ocean City Right-of-Ways (ROW) or public property, a Construction Equipment/Staging Permit is required.