The vessel will be with us in Ocean City through September 1
Bayside Park at 3rd Street
10AM – 8PM Daily

Hailing from Seville, Spain, the “NAO TRINIDAD” will soon visit Ocean City, MD and dock at Ocean City’s new Bayside Park/3rd Street. Did you know that among its creaking timbers the “Nao Trinidad” tells the story of the first circumnavigation around the world? You can climb aboard and learn how the adventurous sailors of yesteryear sailed and lived! The vessel will be with us in Ocean City through September 1, from 10:00 am to 8:00 pm non-stop. Visit the floating museum with an exhibition in which you can visit five of its masterfully-recreated decks.
Vessel Arrival: Currently scheduled for late afternoon of Friday, July 29 (subject to change)
Public Dates: June 29 – September 1, 2024 (subject to change)
Location: Chicago Avenue/3rd Street (Bayside Park, Ocean City, MD)
Time: 10:00am to 8:00pm
Tickets: adults: $15 / child (5- 10 years): $5 / $35 Family (2 adults + up to 3 children between 5- 10 years). Free for children under 5 years old, who must be accompanied by an adult.
Guided Visit – Schools and Associations: $5 (1 free teacher for every 20 children) Over 10 years old $15. School tours can be arranged through: [email protected]
Points of sale: on the ship or on the website: tickets.naotrinidad.org
VOLUNTEER: If you enjoy maritime history, like interacting with people and children; the Nao Trinidad crew is looking for volunteers to assist with basic tasks dockside over the term of their 10-week stay in Ocean City. Task assignments include but may not be limited to assisting with boarding process, monitoring guests around the vessel mooring site, assisting with directions on where to pay and what to expect onboard. The international crew is very knowledgeable and will teach you the basics of what the vessel has to offer beyond its historic exterior.
PARKING: 4th Street public lot between Philadelphia and Baltimore Avenues is the preferred public parking lot for volunteers [across the street from Bayside Park’s east block]. (valid and current parking placards must be visible on dashboard to park without charge or risk of towing). Volunteers are not to park on 3rd Street and 4th Street. Additional volunteer parking opportunities may be found north of 4th Street on a first-come, first-serve basis.
Volunteers should bring the following items with them when reporting to the vessel:
- Comfortable shoes
- Water and small meal/snacks for volunteer shift
- Sunblock and hat
- Bag chair or similar
- Other items based on forecast or personal needs (i.e. umbrella, poncho, battery-powered hand fan, phone charger, other)
Portable restrooms available on site.