Ocean City Recreation and Parks Debut Dog Playground Upgrades

Ocean City Recreation and Parks Debut Dog Playground Upgrades

Ocean City, MD – (July 15, 2021):  On Wednesday, July 14, the Town of Ocean City Recreation and Parks Department along with Town Officials, held a ribbon cutting ceremony to celebrate the new upgrades of the Dog Playground at 94th Street. The original dog playground was constructed in July 2008 and became the first and only “off leash” area in Ocean City.

Over the years, much of the property was serving as a stormwater retention area and usable active space was limited therefore, the Dog Playground was in desperate need of renovation due to its wet nature and over-use.

In August 2019, utilizing in-house design and labor, the City’s Department of Public Works Construction Division, re-graded the site, imported fill dirt, and stabilized the stormwater retention area. The site-work, designed by City Engineering staff, improved the existing dog playground’s usability by reshaping the stormwater retention area.  This increased the useable dog playground space by over 57% from 9,515 Sq. Ft. to 14,980 Sq. Ft. The Town also engaged contractors to install several new irrigation lines, replace and repair the perimeter fencing and installed a new concrete curb and gutter under the fence to prohibit the dogs from digging out.

In late 2020, the Town received grant funding from the Department of Natural Resources’ Community Parks and Playgrounds program to continue its planned improvements for the Dog Playground. Improvements include the addition of a large, sturdy shade structure, upgraded turf areas, new landscaping and irrigation, drainage improvements, additional curb and gutter, replacement fencing, the addition of amenities such as a dog pool and agility structures, built-in benches, additional yard hydrants, and security cameras.

“Many, many thanks to the Town of Ocean City’s Mayor and Council, the Department of Natural Resources, and the Mary Jean and Oliver Travers Foundation for their financial support of this project,” commented Director of Recreation and Parks, Susan Petito. “Also a huge thank you to the Town’s exceptional employees for their hard work and dedication to the enhancement of our residents’ and visitors’ quality of life.”

A dog playground registration form must be submitted in-person at Northside Park, 200 125th St., Ocean City, MD 21842, in order to obtain the physical pass needed to gain access to the park. Applications are available at the main office or online: https://oceancitymd.gov/oc/departments/recreation-parks/dog-playground/

For pictures of the Ribbon Cutting, visit: Flickr: https://flic.kr/s/aHsmWh6mvg


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