Town Buildings Close to Public Beginning Friday, March 20

Town Buildings Close to Public Beginning Friday, March 20

Ocean City, Maryland – (March 20, 2020):  With the first positive test of COVID-19 being reported in Worcester County by the Worcester County Health Department, Town of Ocean City leaders have made further steps to protect the health and safety of residents and employees.  Beginning today, public access to City Hall, the Convention Center and Northside Park’s Recreation Complex will be prohibited.  Town employees will continue to work to provide services over the phone, email and online.

“Working together to control the spread of this virus is critical right now,” stated Mayor Rick Meehan.  “We are doing everything in our power to protect the health and safety of our residents and employees, but every citizen will need to make sacrifices to help flatten the curve and save lives.”

Mayor Meehan and the City Council urge visitors not to travel to Ocean City at this time. “We know the warm weather entices people to get outside, but now is not the time to travel to Ocean City.  We are urging residents to practice safe social distancing and avoid crowds at all costs, including playgrounds, skatepark, the beach and Boardwalk.”

Further updates from the Town of Ocean can be found at:

The Worcester County Health Department (WCHD) recommends anyone who has developed symptoms that could indicate COVID-19 (fever, shortness of breath, cough), contact your primary care doctor first and foremost so they can screen you and determine if you should be tested. If you do not have a primary care doctor, you can reach out by phone to urgent care clinics or our (WCHD) call center (410-632-1100 option 8) available Mon-Fri 8 am to 5 pm and this Saturday 9 am to 3 pm.

If you are sick with mild symptoms contact your doctor, you may be advised to recover at home if your symptoms don’t worsen. If you are experiencing a medical emergency call 9-1-1. But whenever possible, call ahead to limit the potential exposure to first responders, doctors, and health care workers.

You can learn more about testing, COVID-19, how the virus spreads and precautions we should all be taking here:…/1711-coronavirus-corvid.

