The release of Fire and EMS reports and related information is limited to “Parties in Interest,” or those named in the report (i.e. owners, occupants, insurance representatives of owners/occupants, etc.). Five (5) types of general reports are available:

1. EMS Patient Care Ambulance Transport Report

Generated and released by the Career Fire/EMS Division, this report may contain information related to incident response, patient treatment, transportation by ambulance, patient refusal, and disclosure of personal health information and how it was used in your treatment by Ocean City EMS.

To request a copy of your EMS Patient Care Ambulance Transport report, complete the Waiver Form, and submit along with a copy of photo identification to:

Ocean City Fire Dept. Career Fire/EMS Division Custodian of Records Fax: 410-289-6473

Email: [email protected]

2. EMS Ambulance Transport Billing Report

Generated and released by Ocean City’s Medical Claims processor, this report may contain information related to EMS billing for treatment and/or transport by ambulance.

To request a copy of your EMS Ambulance Transport Billing Report (Medical Claim Aid), complete the Waiver Form, and submit along with a copy of photo identification to:

Medical Claim Aid 400 Market Street
Denton, MD 21629
Fax: 410-479-4793
Email: [email protected]

3. NFIRS (National Fire Incident Reporting System) Incident Report:

Generated and released by the Ocean City Fire Department, this report contains information related to the department’s response and incident operations as documented by the incident commander for non-EMS incidents. This does NOT typically contain Origin/Cause investigation information required by insurance companies.

To request a copy of a NFIRS Report, send a written request to:

Ocean City Fire Dept. Volunteer Division Custodian of Records Fax: 410-289-8421
Email: [email protected]

4. Fire Insurance Summary Report:

Generated, maintained and released by the Fire Marshal’s Office, this report contains a summary of basic fire investigation information typically needed by owner’s and insurance representatives for initial claims processing of a fire loss. This report will not be released for any open investigation.

To request a copy of your Fire Insurance Summary Report, send a written request to: Ocean City Fire Marshal’s Office Custodian of Records
Fax: 410-289-8767
Email: [email protected]

5. Origin & Cause Investigative Report:

Generated by the Fire Marshal’s Office and maintained/released by the Ocean City Police Department’s Records Division, this report contains the complete origin, cause, and follow-up investigative information for any fire/explosive incident investigated by Fire Marshal’s Office and assisting OCPD investigators. It may also include additional details and evidence taken, such as photographs, video, etc. This report will not be released for any open investigation, and may incur a cost and/or extended time period to provide, depending upon the size/complexity of report.

Must be requested through the Ocean City Records Section at 410-723-6608 or visit their website: to request a copy of the report.