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**{[PUBLI]}****{[]}**C]}** WO]}****{[RKS]}* * MAIN]}**T**{[**{[EN]}****{[ANCE


Maintenance Manage]}**r**{[: Thomas **{[B. Dy – 410-52**{[4-0391
Admini]}**st**{[rative]}** Office Associate]}** I**{[: Maryann **{[Johnso]}**n – 410-5 24-0391

]}** **{[


The **{[Public Works Mainte]}**nance **{[Division is one]}** **{[of the nine s]}**ubdivisions **{[in the Ocea**{[n City]}** Public Works Departmen**{[t. The division]}** **{[has 40 emp**{[loyees,]}** including a mana]}**ger, an administrative office associate,]}** **{[three maintenance supervisors,]}** **{[two crew **{[leaders**{[, nine]}** heavy equipment operato**{[rs, 13 maintenance]}** employees,]}** **{[two sign **{[techni**{[cians,]}** two meter]}** technicians,]}** **{[six janitorial s**{[ervice]}** employees, **{[and 59 season]}**al **{[summer]}** employee**{[s. The]}** division is **{[responsib**{[le for a variety **{[of job]}**s, which fall unde**{[r five]}** subdivisions, **{[making]}** it a d]}****{[iverse division.**{[



This **{[Sub-divisi**{[on has the **{[largest budget**{[. It covers all]}** 10 miles]}** of Ocean]}** City, cleaning streets**{[, paint]}**ing curbs, striping parkin]}**g **{[spots and **{[double yellow **{[lines, paintin**{[g fire hy**{[drants, operating street **{[brooms , cleaning storm]}** **{[drains and **{[cleaning **{[by the ‘litte]}**r **{[getter ” crews]}****{[. Weather **{[permitting; streets are swept daily year round.

During the summer]}****{[, two Elgin **{[brooms]}** cover]}** the city]}** **{[daily, followed by three]}** l**{[ittler getter]}** crews who]}** sweep **{[corners and ha]}**r**{[d-to-get spots missed **{[by the street]}** **{[sweepers. Trashca**{[ns are]}** placed]}** throughout the town]}** a**{[nd bus sto**{[ps are power washed]}****{[.

**{[Our sign department makes most signs in-house **{[and is respo**{[nsible]}** for instal]}**li**{[ng and maintaining]}** **{[them.


Special **{[Events : The]}** **{[Street Di**{[vision is **{[responsible for]}** the logist**{[ics of 200**{[+ special **{[events**{[, for e]}**xample: **{[St. Pa]}**trick’s]}** Day, Easter Sunris]}**e **{[service, Boardwalk for]}** MS**{[, Kite]}** Fe**{[stival (Spring **{[& Fall ), OC A]}**ir Show, White **{[Marlin Parade, **{[Citywi]}**de spring clean-up**{[, Volle]}**yball series]}****{[, Ravens Parade**{[, Eastern Surfing compet]}**itions, **{[Play I]}**t Safe, Fireman’s Parade, Chris]}**tmas Parade**{[, American Legion Parade**{[, Jesus on the]}** **{[Beach, Caine]}** K**{[eys II Block Party,]}** **{[Corvette **{[Weekend**{[, Coast]}**al **{[Clean-u]}**p **{[Assateague, Springfest, S**{[unFest, Bikefest**{[, Elks]}** Montego Bay **{[party, Seaside **{[10, Wi]}**nter Fest, Open House, Spring & Fall **{[Car Cr**{[uising]}** events, **{[Wine F]}**est, Flag Day**{[, July 4th…


Parking**{[: Please **{[visit our **{[**{[Parking **{[Information web]}** p**{[age]}** **{[for mo]}**re information. **{[https ://ocea]}**n**{[citymd.]}**gov/oc/ocean-city-]}**p**{[arking/]}**

For]}** more information regarding Parking **{[restri]}**ctions and Town]}** Ordinances, **{[Please visit]}** t**{[he tab und**{[er the Tow**{[ns web pa**{[ge for “Inlet]}** P**{[arking & West]}** Ocean City]}** Park & Ride” a**{[s well as **{[“Additional Parking**{[”**{[.



**{[The Sub-division **{[takes great pride]}** in **{[mainta]}**ini**{[ng the beach.]}** **{[The pr]}**ocess begins]}** **{[in March with]}** r**{[emoval of the]}** sand **{[fence and **{[filter cloth]}** th**{[at was ins**{[talled in the]}** f**{[all to]}** p**{[revent san**{[d from blowing]}** **{[on the streets]}** and Boardw]}**alk. Beach **{[tracto]}**rs level, drag an**{[d rake the **{[beach to **{[prepare the sa**{[nd for sani**{[tizing.]}**  Large **{[beach sani**{[tizing]}** pieces of equipme**{[nt are pulled **{[behind the **{[tracto]}**rs **{[to sift the sa**{[nd and pick up]}** **{[debris. This]}** p**{[rocess to get]}** the beach ready for]}** **{[summer takes about]}** two months]}**.  Also**{[, a cre]}**w **{[installs **{[signs and **{[repairs any sa]}**nd **{[fence damaged over the]}** winter.

**{[In mid-May**{[, handicap **{[beach ram**{[ps are placed]}** **{[on the sou**{[th end of town,]}** **{[along with 300’s and 55]}**’s – gallons **{[trashcans. The]}** summer ope**{[ration is **{[seven days a]}** week starti**{[ng mid-May and]}** before the **{[tourists **{[arrive a 4×4]}** beach trash]}** truck **{[empties all tras**{[h cans]}** daily.

Beginning **{[at 6AM,]}** two me**{[n in4 trucks]}** **{[ride the **{[beach to pick]}** up debris]}** **{[by han**{[d that]}** the beach]}** m**{[achine cannot]}** p**{[ick up (i.e.-br]}**oken chairs**{[, umbrellas, coolers, etc.**{[). T]}**he beach is **{[cleaned before]}** **{[our vi**{[siting]}** to**{[urists arrive.**{[

]}**In the]}** e**{[vening]}** a**{[fter a sun**{[ny day and the]}** rush of beach goers,]}** **{[our night **{[shift begins.]}** **{[ Five emp**{[loyees use Case]}** tractors with specia]}**ll**{[y made]}** beach cleaning equipm]}**ent to sift the]}** 10 miles of **{[beach each night. **{[ They keep the]}** beach **{[clean, levele]}**d **{[and looking great. **{[   All this i]}**s done]}** to insure **{[that when **{[morning comes, **{[the be]}**ac**{[h will be ready for **{[anothe**{[r busy]}** d**{[ay.




The Boa**{[rdwalk Sub**{[-division **{[maintai**{[ns the]}** two and one-half miles of]}** Boardwalk]}** wh**{[ich is]}** a **{[seven-day-a-week, **{[365-day-a-year job.


In November, **{[many b enches]}** and trashc]}**a**{[ns are removed **{[from 4th Street south to prevent **{[damage]}** from w]}**inter **{[storms**{[. During the]}** **{[winter it is a daily job]}** t**{[o keep the **{[Boardw]}**alk **{[clean from blowin]}**g sand.**{[

]}**In mid-**{[March, we **{[start getting]}** ready for]}** **{[summer, reinst**{[alling benches,]}** **{[trashcans and **{[signs.  The beach walkwa**{[ys are cleaned]}** a**{[s well.]}**  Once]}** **{[summer begins, **{[crews start at 6AM **{[removing **{[trash **{[with a]}** mini broom]}** and specialized scrubbers to cle**{[an the]}** Boardwalk and train]}** lane.


Additional crews fine]}** clean the]}** Boardwalk]}** where the]}** equipment]}** **{[cannot reach.]}**  **{[A three-member **{[crew e mpties]}** 325+ trash]}****{[cans. Twice a]}** **{[week a crew uses two **{[pressure **{[washers to pow]}**er wash the **{[benches, trashcans and]}** areas the]}** ma**{[chines]}** cannot **{[reach. At 3:3]}**0 PM a 6 man crew emptie]}**s **{[all trashcans un**{[til 12:]}**00 midnight**{[, seven days a]}** week. They also handle **{[emergency **{[calls from **{[police]}** (i.e.-accident cl**{[ean up,]}** etc.)




This Sub-div]}**is**{[ion is]}** d**{[ivided into two]}** categories: **{[Night Janitorial cr**{[ew and Comfort S**{[tation]}** Attendants.]}** **{[The Night **{[Janitoria**{[l crew has **{[6 employe**{[es who are **{[responsib**{[le for cleaning the Town’]}**s **{[office]}** buildings. They]}** **{[sweep, vacuum,]}** **{[dust, empty trashcans**{[, clean]}** **{[windows**{[, strip]}** **{[and wax floors **{[and handle any]}** special re**{[quests.

]}**The Comfor]}**t **{[Statio]}**n crew has 2 Full]}** **{[Time year-round employees who take]}** c**{[are of eight comfor]}**t **{[statio]}**ns**{[: Park-n -Ride W]}**est Ocean]}** City, Trans]}**it Center]}**, Worcester St., Carol**{[ine St.]}**, 9th S**{[t. and]}** Boa**{[rdwalk,]}** **{[27ths St. and]}** Boardwalk,]}** **{[3rd St ., St.]}** Louis Ave.]}****{[, and t he new]}** t**{[ransit center]}** on 144th]}** **{[Street. During **{[summer we add]}** **{[22 seasonal staff. **{[This e**{[nsures]}** residents and visito]}**rs **{[a clea]}**n **{[and safe comfort **{[statio]}**n.



There **{[are 10 parking]}** lots **{[owned and **{[operated by the]}** **{[Town. The la]}****{[rgest, the **{[**{[Hugh **{[T. Cropper **{[Inlet Parking]}** **{[Lot ]}****{[, has 1 ,200 parking spaces. It is **{[cleaned daily]}** by the]}** **{[street bro**{[om and by hand. **{[ Lot i]}**s open]}** 24 hours.**{[

More informat**{[ion on our **{[parkin g lots]}** and current **{[rates can be found on]}** this page:]}** **{[**{[https ://ocea]}**n**{[citymd.]}**gov/oc/ocean-city-]}**p**{[arking/]}**




]}** **{[