Please note: The tram operation is subject to prevailing weather conditions. Inclement Weather Notice or see the station operators or call 410-289-4397 or 410-723-1606 for further information.
The Boardwalk Tram fare is $5 per person, per boarding, one way ride, sold at the north and south tram ticket booths and on any Tram. Major credit cards and exact cash fare is accepted by the Conductor at the rear of the Tram.
The ocean breeze, beach, sand, and family atmosphere are just a few of the reasons why you’ll want to ride the Ocean City Boardwalk trams during your visit. The comfortable Boardwalk trams can take you the entire length of the Boardwalk, from the Inlet to the north booth at 27th Street. The Boardwalk tram will stop at almost any location along the route to load or discharge passengers.
The best part of the half-hour ride is the detour that takes you on the pier close to the ocean, where you can see, hear, and sometimes even feel the ocean water. That’s when you know you are in Ocean City, Maryland!
Title VI Notice
Ocean City Transportation (OCT) is committed to ensuring that no person is excluded from participation in, or denied the benefits of its transit services on the basis of race, color or national origin, as protected by Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964.
If you believe you have been subjected to discrimination based on your race, color, national origin, you may file a complaint up to 180 days from the date of the alleged incident.
To file a complaint or for additional information on OCT’s nondiscrimination policies and procedures, contact: Transit Manager, 224 65th Street, Ocean City, Md. 21842
Reasonable modifications of Ocean City Transportation policies, practices, and procedures may be permitted to avoid unnecessary exclusion of individuals with disabilities from transit related service or programs.
Mission Statement
Our mission is to provide transportation which is safe, convenient, affordable, reliable, and friendly to the residents, visitors, and those who work or do business in the Town of Ocean City, Maryland.
Filing a Concern or Complaint
To file a concern or a complaint, please choose one of the following actions. If the situation warrants, a representative from Ocean City Transportation may contact you to discuss the matter further.
1) Call Ocean City Transportation at 410-723-1606 to lodge a verbal concern or complaint.
2) Appear at Ocean City Transportation Operations Office, located at 64th Street Public Works Complex Building 214, to receive/submit a concern/complaint form.