
Administrative Office Open Monday- Friday, 8am-4pm

Annual Water Report


Regular Hour Inquiries: 410-524-8388

After Hour Emergencies/Inquires: Communications 410-723-6600

Billing & Payment Questions: Finance 410-289-8833


Utility Billing: 


This service offers up-to-date, online views of customer utility accounts, while also providing several convenient payment options. From the comfort of home, citizens can review such information as payment history, pending payments, and account status.

Water Meter Application:

Download PDF


The Ocean City Water Department is dedicated to producing safe drinking water that meets all state and federal drinking water standards.

If you need the city-side water meter cut on or cut off, please allow us to do so. We are happy to come out and help!

A $50 charge is applied for each cut on/off during regular hours

A $75 charge is applied for each cut on/off after hours

When requesting a water meter cut ON, please know that somebody must be at the property to assume responsibility.

Meter access is essential for obtaining usage readings. Please maintain a suitable access path to your water meter when planning new landscaping or modifying your existing  We appreciate it!

It’s important to be diligent when it comes to fixing leaky toilets, faucets, and irrigation systems. Seemingly small leaks can add up to a huge water bill.


Daniel Cole, Superintendent of Water


Existing Water System


The Ocean City Water System is owned by Mayor and Council of Ocean City Maryland and operated by the Town of Ocean City Municipal Water Department. The system is comprised of 22 production wells, 3 treatment plants, 5 elevated water storage tanks and 1 ground storage tank.

Supply and Demand

The Ocean City Water System must have adequate capacity to serve the peak season population. In 2008 the system served an estimated population of 300,000 during the peak season. The maximum daily demand was 14.41 mg. The ultimate build-out population has been projected to be approximately 381,000 in the year 2025 as estimated by the Town’s consulting engineers. Historical data for recent years indicate the maximum day per capita demand of 44.0 gpd. The corresponding maximum days system demand at build-out is projected to be 16.8 mgd.

The existing raw water supply consists of 15 wells in the Ocean City aquifer and 7 wells in the Manokin aquifer.

Water Quality, Capacity and Treatment

The Ocean City Water System consists of 3 water treatment plants. The first plant located at 15th Street using wells in the Ocean City aquifer is a 6.0 mgd plant with an iron removal gravity filter system. The second plant located on 44th Street uses water in the Ocean City aquifer and is a 4.0 mgd plant with iron removal pressure filter system and pH adjustment. The third WTP is located in North Ocean City at Gorman Avenue uses wells in the Manokin aquifer and is an 8.0 mgd plant with pretreatment by clarification and aeration, and iron removal pressure filtration system, and pH adjustment.


The Town has 5 elevated tanks and 1 ground level tank with a total useable storage capacity of 6 million gallons.

The present storage facilities have adequate capacity to support a maximum day demand of 18.00 mg with an average fire flow requirements of 4,000 gpm for 4 hours. The estimated maximum day build-out demand 16.8 mgd is projected to occur in 2025 and the required useable storage at that time would be 6 mg.

Distribution System

The main water distribution piping serving Ocean City consists of a 10” main that extends along the beach from the inlet to 15th Street. A 12” main runs along Baltimore Avenue from South 1st Street to 33rd Street. On Philadelphia Avenue, a 24” line extends from the Worcester Street to 25th Street. From 25th Street to 100th Street a 20” water main runs

parallel to Coastal Highway. An additional 12” main extends from the 44th Street WTP to 100th Street. A 16” water main runs from 100th Street to 130th Street and from that point a 14” main runs to the northern boundary of the municipal water system via Coastal Highway. Also a 16” main extends from 130th Street and Coastal Highway to the Gorman Avenue WTP via Sinepuxent Avenue. There are also 4”, 6”, and 8” water mains serving as lateral supply mains throughout the service area.

The Town of Ocean extends from the Ocean City Inlet to the Maryland/Delaware line and is separated from West Ocean City by the Isle of Wight Bay. The existing Ocean City Water System covers the entire municipal area.

Over the years, we have dedicated ourselves to producing drinking water that meets all state and federal drinking water standards.

For more information see the Town of Ocean City Water Department’s Annual Water Report.