Ocean City Brings Back Summer Events for Residents and Guests

Ocean City Brings Back Summer Events for Residents and Guests

OCEAN CITY, MD – (June 18, 2020): Music, ice cream, dancing and fireworks are returning to Ocean City, kicking off tonight with fireworks on the beach at 10:30 p.m. The new summer line-up of weekly events will be held in the evening hours, throughout Ocean City and will include Sundaes in the Park, Drive-In Movies and Beach Dance Parties, just to name a few.

“We are thrilled to be kicking off the Ocean City event series with a new line-up, a new Drive-In Movie series and a fresh spin on the classic family-favorite events,” commented Ocean City Special Events Director, Frank Miller. “In addition to the new Drive-In Movie series on Monday and Tuesday evenings at the Convention Center, we offer weekly fireworks, live music at Northside Park and Sunset Park, DJ dance music on the beach at Caroline Street, movies on the beach and family games night.”

The return of the events also includes new safety measures to protect patrons as part of the town’s dedication to keeping the Ocean City community moving forward in the COVID-19 recovery process. “We have been in constant communication with the Worcester County Health Department and were given the all-clear to start producing our portfolio of free events,” Miller continued. “Guests will see visible differences in many events from new protocols for physical distancing to the request to bring masks for use when entering public facilities, including restrooms.”

One example of change to an event will be the hand-scooped ice cream and the toppings tables at Sundaes in the Park, which will be replaced with pre-packaged ice cream sundaes in assorted flavors. Miller emphasized that while some events may be different in ways, the heart of the event will not change.

“Ocean City events are nostalgic and they are part of the summer tradition for many of our guests, which we can assure you will not change,” Miller finished. “Making safe Ocean City memories is our top priority. We want families to come here, relax and know that we have taken every precaution to protect them from the coronavirus so they will feel safe enough to enjoy the amenities we offer.”

The full listing of events, visit: www.ococean.com/events.

