Ocean City Police Release 2017 Annual Report Highlighting 13% Decrease in Crime

OCEAN CITY, MD – (March 20, 2018): The Ocean City Police Department (OCPD) has released their Annual Report for 2017, highlighting a third consecutive year of historic low crime rates.

In 2017, the OCPD experienced an average decrease of 13 percent in serious crime in comparison to the previous five years, and a 2.5 percent decrease from 2016. The report also shows that there were significant decreases in burglaries, thefts, and simple assaults. Additionally, officer-initiated calls for service increased by over 10,000 calls. This is due in large part to the heightened number of seasonal police officers, the expansion of the public safety aide position, and the proactive nature of the Patrol Division.

“In 2017, we continued to see the lowest crime rates we’ve seen in over a quarter century,” commented Chief Ross Buzzuro. “This is a true testament to the hard work of the men and women of this department. Our personnel are dedicated to the safety of everyone in this city and that is proven by the stories and statistics within this report.”

In addition to crime and enforcement statistics, the Annual Report highlights the OCPD’s renewed focus on community engagement in 2017, such as the Coffee with Cops events, an opiate addiction awareness event, and the first edition of trading cards featuring the OCPD Mounted Unit. The accomplishments of each of the three divisions of the OCPD are also highlighted in the report.

To view the entire 2017 Annual Report, visit https://oceancitymd.gov/pdf/PoliceAnnualReport.pdf.

