All site plans must be current and contain the following information:

1. Street address

2. Legal description

3. Property Owner

4. Zoning

5. North arrow

6. Plan drawn to useable scale

7. Scale indicated

8. Size and location of all existing buildings and structures

9. Size and location of all easements

10. All lot dimensions and building setbacks

11. Location and size of proposed new structures/additions.

12. Distance to all lot boundaries from existing and proposed structures

13. Structure location and layout shall match floor plans

14. Location of all driveways and parking

15. Limits of disturbance

16. Existing and proposed landscaping

17. Location and size of permanent LP gas tanks

18. Location of all exterior HVAC equipment

19. Location of existing adjacent structures

20. Location of all utilities

21. Basic topography with minimal spot elevations showing drainage patterns

22. Tabulation of all existing and proposed impervious areas

Depending on the project, additional information will be required to be shown on the site plan or submitted with the site plan as follows:

• Critical Area Project Application (Over 50% of site)

• Critical Area Project Application (Under 50% of site)

• Standard Single Family Stormwater Plan

• Detailed topography and spot elevations

• Stormwater Management Best Management Practices (BMPs) and calculations

• Landscape Plan

• Wetland delineations

• Zoning density calculations

• Required parking calculations