Informational Town Hall on Offshore Drilling

Informational Town Hall on Offshore Drilling

Hosted by the Ocean City and Ocean Pines Chambers of Commerce

Ocean City, MD – Dunes Manor Hotel, March 6th, 2019, at 4:00 pm.

The Ocean City and Ocean Pines Chambers of Commerce host the an informational town hall focused on how Maryland’s business community can comment on the new federal offshore drilling plans that will impact the regions’ tourism-based economy.

Guests: Maryland, Delaware, New York, and Washington, DC organizers from leading Ocean conservation group, Oceana. Expert panel will include local elected, business, and fishing representatives.

WHO: Ocean Pines Chamber of Commerce, Ocean City Chamber of Commerce, Business Alliance for Protecting the Atlantic Coast, Coastal Association of Realtors, and Oceana.

WHEN: Wednesday, March 6, 2019 at 4:00 pm

WHERE: Dunes Manor Hotel, 2800 Baltimore Ave, Ocean City, MD 2184 Note: Parking is located at the front of the building. Event organizers will have signage directing guests where to park and enter. The room will be an “ocean front” room.



As the Trump administration continues to move forward with plans to open areas off the Delmarva Coast to oil and gas development, the Greater Ocean City and Ocean Pines Chambers of Commerce are working together to host an informational meeting about the prospect of drilling off our coast and how citizens and members of the business community can weigh in.

“We have a robust tourism economy. Our greatest economic driver in this region is our clean beaches. We need to make sure they stay that way,” said Melanie Pursel of the Greater Ocean City Chamber of Commerce.

A public comment period for the offshore drilling plan is anticipated to open in the coming weeks and both the Greater Ocean City and Ocean Pines Chambers want to make sure residents are informed and ready to engage.

“People need to know what’s being proposed off our coast and how they can bring their voice to the table. That’s what this event is all about.” said Kerrie Bunting of the Ocean Pines Chamber.  The group issued a press release expressing opposition to seismic surveys for oil and gas off the Delmarva Coast earlier this year.


National and State-Specific Opposition to Offshore Drilling and Seismic Airgun Blasting:  


National Opposition:

● Governors of Florida, Georgia, South Carolina, North Carolina, Virginia, Maryland, Delaware, New Jersey, New York, Connecticut, Rhode Island, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, California, Oregon and Washington

●More than 300 East and West Coast municipalities

●Over 2,000 local, state and federal bipartisan officials

●East and West Coast alliances representing over 43,000 businesses, 500,000 fishing families


Maryland Opposition:

Worcester County Commissioners: Voted to send letter expressing opposition to seismic testing and drilling for oil and gas in the Mid-Atlantic 2/19/19

Ocean Pines Chamber of Commerce: Put out statement opposing any form of seismic testing in offshore waters 1/15/2019

Greater Ocean City Chamber of Commerce: Sent letter to President Obama 12/13/2016 (offshore drilling and seismic blasting)

Ocean City Hotel-Motel-Restaurant Association: Sent letter to BOEM 2/29/2016 (offshore drilling and seismic blasting)

Ocean City Chamber of Commerce: Sent letter to Governor Hogan 1/25/2016 (offshore drilling and seismic blasting)

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