Ocean City Beach Patrol Employment Opportunity
Testing Arundel Aquatics Center, Annapolis, Maryland
The Beach Patrol will continue conducting pre-employment physical skills evaluations (PEPSE) for the 2021 season. Our next off-site evaluation is on Sunday, March 21, 2021 at Arundel Aquatics Center, Annapolis, Maryland. There are no pre-certification requirements and experience in ocean rescue is not necessary to apply. All training and certifications will be provided in a paid ($15.60 hr) Surf Rescue Academy, which is being conducted in Ocean City in May or June of 2021.
Registration for the test begins at 9:00 a.m., followed by orientation to the Beach Patrol and the testing procedures. Each candidate must have a mask and will be given a wellness check, including body temperature, before being accepted to participate in the testing. Following registration, an English language proficiency test and orientation, applicants should be prepared for a full day of testing. Candidates will be required to swim 500m, run 400m, perform simulated swimming rescues and demonstrate the capacity to run fast in timed sprint races. All water-related activities will take place in an indoor pool and all running activities will be outside.
Although pre-registration is not required, candidates are encouraged to pre-register for the test by visiting www.ococean.com/ocbp. The Beach Patrol requires acceptable proof of age of all candidates, which can be a driver’s license, birth certificate or U.S. passport. Applicants must be 17 years old or older prior to June 28, 2021, and those under 18 must be accompanied by a legal guardian during the entire testing process.
For additional information, including future testing dates, please contact the Ocean City Beach Patrol at 410-289-7556 or visit www.oceancitymd.gov/ocbp.