Ocean City Easter Egg Hunt

Ocean City Easter Egg Hunt

Ocean City, Maryland – (March , 2021) Ocean City Recreation and Parks is inviting kids from ages 2 – 10 and their families to participate in an old fashioned Easter egg hunt outside at the beautiful Northside Park on April 3, 2021. Advanced registration is REQUIRED as a limited number of participants are allowed.

What: Ocean City Recreation & Parks Easter Egg Hunt
When: Saturday, April 3, 2021 with a 1 p.m. check in time
Where: OUTSIDE at Northside Park on Ballfield  –  200 125th Street, Ocean City, MD 21842
Who: Kids, Ages 2 – 10 and their families
Admission: $5.00 or Ocean City resident discount price (per child): $3.00, pre-registration required
Safety: Masks are required for all people 6 years old and above.

In addition to the Easter Egg Hunt on Saturday at Northside Park, there will be a fun Easter Bunny Scavenger Hunt throughout Ocean City from March 29th – April 3rd. The Easter Bunny will hide 13 letters around town to spell a secret word that will unlock a special prize. Collect all 13 letters and unscramble the word for your chance to win a prize! The location to each letter can be found at https://ococean.com/events/easter-egg-hunt2021. The letters will be displayed in the window of each location from March 29th – April 3rd. Once you know the secret word, you can come tell the Easter Bunny to earn a prize on April 3rd at Northside Park’s drive thru Easter Bunny Station between 2:00 pm and 3:00 pm. The first 30 families to come to Northside Park’s drive thru Easter Bunny station on April 3rd with the correct code gets a special prize! To learn more, visit:

https://ococean.com/events/easter-egg-hunt2021 or call 410-250-0125.

Easter Bunny