Town of Ocean City Emergency Services offers free “Until Help Arrives” Workshop

Traumatic incidents can occur anytime, anywhere, and those who can help until emergency responders arrive, could save lives. As part of Hurricane Season Preparedness and our Annual Town Hall Preparedness Meeting, Ocean City Emergency Services invites residents and visitors to attend “Until Help Arrives.” This free, three-hour Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) workshop will be offered on Wednesday 23 May 2018 beginning at 6:00 pm until 9:00 pm at the Ocean City Town Hall Mayor and Council Chambers located at 301 N. Baltimore Avenue Ocean City, Maryland.  Participants will acquire the basic skills needed to provide help after an emergency until help arrives.

“Over the past year tornadoes in Queen Anne’s County and Wicomico County, Maryland and the impact to the southern United States from several hurricanes have pointed out that weather incidents like these can happen anytime or place” Ocean City Emergency Services Director Joe Theobald said. “Being able to help victims prior to the arrival of emergency personnel can help save lives.”

Personnel from the Ocean City Emergency Management, Worcester County Emergency Services, Volunteers with the Ocean City Community Emergency Response Team, the American Red Cross, and other emergency organizations will cover topics that include communicating with 911 operators, positioning the injured, stopping life threatening bleeding, protecting the injured from further harm, and providing emotional support to a victim and family.

“Until Help Arrives” takes place in conjunction with National Hurricane Preparedness Week in the Month May and is being offered at no cost to the public.

“Everyone’s lives can change in a matter of seconds in today’s world,” Director Theobald stated. “The citizen that is trained and prepared can make all the difference in the world between life and death of someone with a life-threatening injury. This workshop is designed for the citizen to be able to walk away with the training and confidence to assist if posed with a life-threatening situation.”

“Area residents, citizens and visitors are vital resources immediately after an emergency situation occurs when they can provide life-saving aid until trained emergency personnel arrive,” Ocean City Emergency Management Coordinator/Planner Bob Rhode said. “It is very important to include as many citizens as possible with the emergency planning and training process in their community.”

For more information on Emergency Preparedness materials for the Town of Ocean City please visit our website at or contact the Emergency Services office at 410.723..6616.

