OC Bikefest and Delmarva Bike Week Announcement

Please see the attached news release on behalf of OC BikeFest and Delmarva Bike Week.

OC BikeFest 10th Anniversary 9/16 – 9/20
Delmarva Bike Week 20th Anniversary 9/16 – 9/20

OC Bikefest and Delmarva Bike Week Announcement

Effective immediately, OC BikeFest and Delmarva Bike Week currently scheduled for the week of September 16 – 20, 2020 have been postponed to September 15 – 19, 2021.

Due to Covid-19, and extensive discussions with the Town of Ocean City and Worcester County Health Department, we have decided to postpone all activities to 2021. As an event, OC BikeFest and Delmarva Bike Week draw attendees, sponsors and vendors from dozens of states. It is our intent each year to produce the safest event possible while respecting the community that continues to warmly welcome our events each September.

For all of us with OC BikeFest and Delmarva Bike Week, the decision to postpone all events for 2020 has been incredibly difficult. We have worked for decades to grow our events and build a relationship of trust with the Town of Ocean City, Worcester County, Wicomico County, Arthur W. Perdue Stadium, sponsors, vendors, advertising partners, staff, the entertainers and, of course, our attendees. This year, the uncertainty is too great to risk that trust and safely produce the quality events each of you have come to expect. As mentioned, this decision has been very difficult, but when it comes to the safety of all those involved, we know it is the right decision.

We look forward to celebrating the 10th anniversary of OC BikeFest and 20th anniversary of Delmarva Bike Week in 2021! We have an incredible music lineup filled with rock icons we all know and love. We will be releasing the 2020 ticket information and music lineup for 2021 next week Wednesday, August 5th. If you are a current 2020 ticket holder, please standby until August 5th for information regarding your passes. Please know that it is our goal to present to you our best event yet in 2021!

Thank you again for your understanding. We will see all of you in 2021!

The OC BikeFest and Delmarva Bike Week Team

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