410-250-0125 – Hours 8:30 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.
200 125th St. – Ocean City, MD
You may register using one of the following methods (registration cannot be made over the phone):
In Person:
Northside Park
125th Street and Bay
Ocean City, MD 21842
OFFICE HOURS: Monday-Friday 8:30a.m. -5:00p.m.
By Mail/Fax or Scan In:
Fill out the registration form; make check or money order payable to “Town of Ocean City” or call 410-250-0125 to provide us your VISA, MasterCard, Discover or American Express number with expiration date.
Forms can be faxed to 410-250-5409 or emailed to [email protected] or mailed to:
Ocean City Recreation and Parks Department
200 125th Street
Ocean City, Maryland 21842
Complete the form below if you choose to register in person or by mail.
Priority Registration
Residents of Ocean City have a priority registration period (usually 1 or 2 weeks prior to open registration). Residents are encouraged to take advantage of this opportunity, as once registration is open, priority is first-come first-served only. Registrations received prior to the appropriate registration period will be returned to the sender.
Participation Limitations…Register Early
Limits have been placed on the size of some programs’ participation to assure quality instruction. Registration is first-come, first-served. You should register early to assure yourself of a place in these programs. Program registration is reviewed 3 days prior to start and those with insufficient enrollment are subject to cancellation. Registration must be made prior to participation in any recreational activity.
Ocean City residents, through property taxes, make a significant contribution to the operation of the Ocean City Recreation and Parks system. Non-resident prices are charged so non-resident participants can fairly contribute to the overall financing of the park system. Prices are listed separately for Ocean City residents and Out-of-City residents. An Ocean City resident is defined as a person who lives or owns property within the corporate limits of Ocean City. Anyone who lives in WEST OCEAN CITY, OCEAN PINES, BERLIN, DELAWARE, and/or any other town outside of Ocean City’s corporate limits is considered a Non-Resident. Payment is required at the time of registration. Verification of residency status may be requested.
Your satisfaction is important to us. A full refund is automatic when classes are already filled or minimum enrollment is not met. Refunds may also be given in the event of unavoidable scheduling conflicts, personal emergencies, or dissatisfaction. All refund requests will be considered on a case-by-case basis and may be prorated. Please allow 30 days for processing.
Low Income Eligibility Guidelines
Applications are available for the O.C. Recreation Boosters’ Low Income Assistance Program at Northside Park. Eligibility is limited to Ocean City residents.
Class Cancellations/Modifications
The Ocean City Recreation and Parks Department reserves the right to cancel, combine or divide classes/programs, to change time, date or place of meeting, to change the instructor assignments, and to make other revisions which may become necessary.