Employee Forms
Employment Application – Fill out the employment application form and the “Applicant Data Sheet”. These forms must be completed if hired, and helps us comply with government record keeping, reporting, and other legal requirements. This data is kept confidential. Please print and sign using BLUE ink. Note: If you were employed by the Beach Patrol last season you do not need to complete this document.
Beach Patrol Employee Agreement – Make sure that you check all information and dates before completing this form. Accuracy is critical!
Tax Withholding forms – Beach Patrol employees including office associates (secretaries) are NOT allowed to assist with filling out these forms, due to government regulations, so please don’t ask.
This is the Maryland Tax withholding form. Complete this form so that the Town of Ocean City can withhold the correct Maryland state income tax from your pay. Page 2 is the “Personal Exemptions Worksheet” that you should use to determine the correct withholding for you.
Federal W-4
This is the new Federal Tax withholding form. Complete this form so that the Town of Ocean City can withhold the correct federal income tax from your pay. The main difference with this new form is that there is no longer a 1 or 0 deduction. If you want deductions it must be in a dollar amount. There is a worksheet and salary charts that helps calculate your amount, but we highly encourage employees to ask a qualified trusted person to assist you with this form before checking-in for work. If you do not calculate your tax liability correctly, you may end up owing federal tax at the end of the year. The only exceptions to completing this new form are those Beach Patrol employees who remain on payroll “year round”.
Internal Revenue Service FAQs on the Form W-4
These FAQs have been made available to assist you in completing the NEW 2020 federal tax withholding W-4 form. Note: The IRS has not updated this document and still makes it available for this year.
Instructions for completing “Employment Eligibility Verification” Form I-9
Please read these instructions carefully before completing the “Employment Eligibility Verification” Form I-9 from the “Department of Homeland Security”.
Pages 1 – 6 contains Instructions for completing the Employment Eligibility Verification form – Please read these instructions carefully before completing the form.
Pages 8 – 11 lists the mandatory acceptable documents that you may use for employment eligibility. (also listed on page 3 of the I-9 Form)
Review these lists carefully. Most of our employees bring a driver’s license and original Social Security card or driver’s license and original birth certificate or just their passport.
Off-Season Newsletters
2024 Weekly Bulletins
Department of Homeland Security Employment Eligibility Verification Form I-9
Page 1 – Section 1. Employee Information and Attestation – This section only MUST be completed by you.
Page 2 – Section 2. Employer or Authorized Representative Review and Verification – will be completed by the office staff.
Page 2 – Section 3 – DOES NOT apply, leave blank.
Print pages 1 and 2 and sign Page 1 with Blue ink. Page 2 will be completed by the office staff.
The following ten policies/directives are combined into a single document with a Combined Policy Signature Page following their descriptions below. It is important to note that each employee is responsible for knowing and understanding their rights and obligations while employed by the Town of Ocean City.
Part Time/Seasonal Employee Handbook – The purpose of this document is to provide the employee with important information and resources in one location. It includes valuable reference on an array of topics all in one location. Use the combined forms and signature link below to access this handbook.
Code of Conduct – The Town of Ocean City and the OCBP believe that all employees have the right to protection under the Equal Employment and Harassment Free Workplace Policies. Use the combined forms and signature link below to access this policy.
Substance Abuse Policy – The purpose of this policy is to establish and maintain a workplace free from the influence of unauthorized controlled substances. Use the combined forms and signature link below to access this policy.
Social Media Guidelines – The Town of Ocean City and the OCBP recognize the widespread popularity of social media. The purpose of this document is to inform you of the guidelines and etiquette for the responsible use of social media while employed for the Town of Ocean, City, MD. Use the combined forms and signature link below to access this policy.
Safety Rules & Regulations – The purpose of this policy is to establish and maintain a safe work environment free from dangerous situations or activities. This will serve to avoid the potential for employee injury or illness which could result in your inability to perform the job you were hired for. Use the combined forms and signature link below to access this policy.
Worker’s Compensation – The purpose of this document is to provide important information about the rights and responsibilities of an employee should he/she/they be injured while on duty. The Town of Ocean City is a Self-Insured entity and all claims go through the Risk Manager. Use the combined forms and signature link below to access this document.
Sensitive and Private Information – The purpose of this document is to inform you of the manner in which sensitive and private information is gathered, handled, and stored in the Town of Ocean City, MD. Use the combined forms and signature link below to access this policy.
Maryland Code, Labor and Employment – The purpose of this State of Maryland law is to ensure that an employee authorizes all deductions from their paycheck. Use the combined forms and signature link below to access this policy.
Maryland Healthy Working Families Act – The purpose of this document is to inform you of the Maryland Dept. of Labor, Licensing, & Regulation (MD DLLR) and the Town of Ocean City’s policy regarding paid sick and safe leave for all employees. Use the combined forms and signature link below to access this policy.
Harassment-Free Workplace Policy – The Town of Ocean City and the OCBP believe that all employees have the right to work in a mature, professional, and productive environment that is free from harassment. Use the combined forms and signature link below to access this policy.
Combined Policy Signature Page – This combines the above nine policies and includes a single signature page for all policies. Complete and print the signature page ONLY.
End of Season and Extended Employment Agreement – This new form combines the “Notification of Last Day of Work,” the “Fall Agreement,” and the “Extended Agreement” forms. Completing this form is required of all employees. Complete the employee portion and give to your Crew Chief for the necessary signatures.
Direct Deposit Form – Complete this form, print it out and return to Payroll Department along with a voided check.
Employee Data Form – Complete this form, then print. OCBP Personal Data Form
Employee Bio Form (optional) – This Bio may be used on any of our Social Media or press platforms along with a photograph and or video of you participating in job related activities or events. This is strictly an optional opportunity. Submit your bio information.
Request for Special Day Off – Complete this form, print, sign in BLUE ink and give to your crew chief. Due two full scheduling weeks prior to the first requested day off.
Change of Address Form – Print, complete and fax to Human Resources at 410-289-8766
Parking Request Form – For HQ staff, Tarry-A-While residents, and for parking during working hours in T.O.C. Municipal parking areas (Pay by Plate System). You must use the link below to complete the on-line application. DO NOT start parking in any of these locations until you receive the validated parking permit (which must be displayed at all times in the HQ lot) or E-Mail verification for the “Pay by Plate” system.
Note: Your application will only be processed after you have completed the on-line application at the link below and E-mailed Captain Arbin [email protected] to verify that you have submitted an application in the system. This is the file that will be used by the Town to enter your vehicle in the “Pay by Plate” system (verify your tag number before submitting)
Probational Surf Rescue Technician Summer Survival Guide
Seasonal Rental Housing Stipend – This is a $250.00 stipend to offset the cost of relocating and renting seasonal housing to work for the Beach Patrol. To qualify and receive the stipend you must complete the “Seasonal Rental Housing Stipend” form, meet all the listed criteria, and submit the required documentation. You may return the form by E-Mail or in person. The stipend will be paid once all obligations have been taken care of.
Returning Travel Stipend – The purpose of this stipend is to offset the cost of returning to work for the Beach Patrol once you have left Full-Time employment and relocated at least 110 miles away from the Ocean City area. This stipend is available from Monday, August 12th through Sunday, September 22, 2024, when you return and work at least 2 days. See form for additional details.