Frequently Asked Questions


The Ocean City Police Department is committed to maintaining a high level of integrity and professionalism among its employees and we regard the investigation of all complaints as important to our overall mission.  Complaints against employees are managed by the Department’s Office of Professional Standards, Internal Affairs Section.


If you have a complaint of misconduct against an employee of the Department, you may contact Internal Affairs directly or you may use the form below on this page to initiate an administrative investigation. If you are alleging misconduct by a police officer, please follow the guidelines established by the Worcester County Police Accountability Board.


In order for us to evaluate your complaint, you will be required to provide a detailed written statement describing why you believe the employee’s conduct was inappropriate.  It is important that you fill out as much information as possible to assist us in ensuring a comprehensive investigation.


While the Department will accept any complaint, please be aware that anonymous complaints can sometimes be difficult to investigate as an investigator may need additional information, and the complainant may be the only source available.  Therefore, you should include your name, address and a telephone number so an investigator may contact you.  The Office of Professional Standards will make every effort to ensure that the information provided to the Department is held in the strictest confidence.


Each complaint is taken seriously and upon receipt will be thoroughly investigated.  It is impossible to put a time limit on any investigation, as the seriousness of the allegations vary, but be assured that every effort will be made to update complainants about the case status.


If you wish to contact us personally about your complaint, the Office of Professional Standards can be reached anytime between 9:00 A.M. and 5:00 P.M., Monday through Friday at 410-723-8800.


To ensure an expedient and thorough investigation into your complaint, when completing the below fields we ask that you comply with the following instructions:


  • Include your name and contact information as well as that of the employee(s) in question.
  • Include your permanent address and phone number. If you are living in Ocean City through the summer months, please include your local address and local phone number or cellular telephone number.
  • When composing your statement of complaint, be as detailed in your description of events as possible and state what specific actions of the employee you believe are misconduct. Where necessary, include dates, times and locations. It is also important to list the events in the order or sequence in which they occurred.
  • If there are additional witnesses, please include their names and contact information in your statement of complaint.
  • If you have any electronic attachments, such as photos, videos, or documents, you may add them prior to submitting the complaint at the bottom of this page.


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Please read and acknowledge the following notices:

By clicking submit you are acknowledging that you have read the above notices and that you are swearing, under penalty of perjury, that all of the information submitted and contained in the above statement of complaint is true and accurate.