No certifications or previous lifeguarding experience needed.


Potential earning of over $16,000.00 during your first season

$500.00 Signing Bonus, $250.00 Rental Housing Assistance Stipend, $1.00 per hour Late Season "Appreciation Bonus," $140.00 Late Season Travel Stipend per Trip, and $500.00 "Bounty" for each recruit you bring to us!

Overtime pay for all hours worked beyond normal work week.

The following link goes to an on-line interview with Captain Arbin, conducted by Steven Brodsky for his column Entertainment, Culture and More. This interview is one of the most comprehensive written about the Ocean City Beach Patrol and gives a real inside look at what it takes to become a Surf Rescue Technician and what types of training each member of the Patrol receives. If you have ever wondered what it takes to earn the honor of guarding your family then this article can help. 


Once you pass the Pre-Employment Physical Skill Evaluation (PEPSE) you will be offered an appointment to a paid Surf Rescue Training Academy (SRA). You will have your choice of one of the two SRAs that take place in Ocean City, Maryland. NOTE: There is a significant financial benefit to enrolling in the first Academy.

Once registered for a specific testing date and location you will receive a “Pop-Up” confirmation and you will receive additional correspondence through the E-Mail address you supply as your testing date gets closer.

SRA I = Sunday, May 18 – 25, 2025
SRA II = Sunday, June 15 – 22, 2025


Registration and Check-in (Ocean City sites 9:00 – 9:45, Off-Site 10:00 – 10:45)

March 9, 2025 (Sunday) – Salisbury University, Salisbury Maryland

March 16, 2025 (Sunday) – York College, York, Pennsylvania

March 23, 2025 (Sunday) – Richard A. Henson YMCA in Salisbury, Maryland

April 6, 2025 (Sunday) – Arundel Aquatics Center, Annapolis, Maryland 

April 27, 2025 (Sunday) – Ocean Pines Sports Core Pool, Ocean Pines, Maryland

May 31, 2025 (Saturday) – OCBP HQ, Ocean City, Maryland (for 2025)

No certifications or previous lifeguarding experience needed.

The Ocean City Beach Patrol conducts Pre-Employment Physical Skills Evaluations (PEPSE) in Ocean City, Maryland every summer to qualify candidates for the following season’s Surf Rescue Academies that take place in May and June. Registration opportunities for the following season’s Pre-Employment Physical Skills Evaluations are published once the final testing for the current season is completed. If interested in participating in our PEPSE, please use this link register for a specific date and location.

Register HERE to participate in a Pre-Employment Physical Skill Evaluation

Anyone seeking employment as a Surf Rescue Technician with the Ocean City, Maryland Beach Patrol, must successfully complete all phases of the pre-employment physical skills evaluation before being appointed to Surf Rescue Training Academy.

  • Candidates must pass a wellness check including body temperature.
  • Candidates must provide identification with proof of age before being afforded the opportunity to participate in the PEPSE.
  • Candidates must pass an oral English proficiency test.

Candidates demonstrate the capacity to perform these Physical Skill Requirements:

  • Complete a 400m sprint in 75 seconds or less (off-site) or a 300m soft sand sprint in 65 seconds or less on the beach.
  • Complete a 500m swim (off-site) or a 400m ocean swim in 10 minutes or less.

Candidates receive instruction, are provided the opportunity to practice, and then be evaluated on the following skills:

  • Complete a series of simulated rescues with and without the aid of a rescue buoy.
  • Complete a victim transport training session and victim removal test.
  • Complete a tower transport training session and a tower transport test.
  • Complete a buoy preparation training session and mock buoy-runs.
  • Complete a 125m running sprint with rescue buoy in at least 25sec (off-site).
  • Complete a rescue medley of 150m run, 100m swim through the surf and 150m return run (on-site).
  • Complete a deep-water physical skill evaluation of holds and releases.

Candidates participate in a Structured Interview

  • Complete a personalized questionnaire.
  • Participate in an interview with beach patrol staff.

Interested candidates frequently asked questions

SRT stands for Surf Rescue Technician. This is the title earned by the men and women who have demonstrated competency in the techniques and skills required for surf rescue. The SRT’s duties include educating the public, warning swimmers of potential danger, rescuing distressed swimmers, responding to emergency situations, administering first aid, reuniting lost and found individuals, enforcing city ordinances, and other duties as assigned. The Beach Patrol is on duty every day from 10:00 a.m. – 5:30 p.m. starting the Saturday of Memorial Day weekend and continuing 7 days a week though the third Sunday after Labor Day. An SRT works 43.5 hours a week with days off.

Although testing for the OCBP is offered on a walk-in-basis, we encourage candidates to call Captain Arbin to register for a specific date and to get the particulars of a location. Since we suspend testing once all positions are filled, we encourage you to select an early test date. If you are unable to attend these dates, keep in contact with the Beach Patrol to learn of additional schedule dates. Beach Patrol 410-289 7556.

We are looking for athletic, ambitious and responsible men and women who are 16* years of age or older. Every candidate must be able to perform the following tasks: Run in soft sand; swim in ocean water, enter and exit the ocean through the surf, move an unconscious person of 150 lbs., see for 400 meters; hear and locate whistle blast from 300 meters; speak and read the English language. Inability to perform these tasks will result in disqualification from the testing process. As previously stated, training for the job is provided by the Ocean City Beach Patrol during Surf Rescue Academy. Prior to entering Academy, each candidate must pass a vigorous, physical test consisting of the phases described above in succession.

Ocean/Surf Rescue is significantly more challenging and rewarding than pool or lake guarding. It is also true that the O.C.B.P. does not require ANY certification for candidates to be eligible for employment. However, candidates can be assured that all necessary skills, techniques, procedures and protocols will be taught to them as part of our Surf Rescue Academy: an eight (8) day paid training program conducted by Beach Patrol instructors with support from other public safety agencies followed by 3 weeks of supervised on the job probation. Because of the uniqueness of the jobs demands, the Beach Patrol does not accept certification or experience credit from other agencies. All aspects of becoming an S.R.T. will be taught to you. Although certifications earned from agencies such as the American Red Cross or the Heart Association will be helpful in carrying out the responsibilities of the position, we do NOT require you have them prior to taking our pre employment skill evaluation.

P-SRTs in training (including the time during Surf Rescue Training Academy) = $20.00/hr., SRT I Step 2 = $20.20/hr., Assistant Crew Chief = $20.60/hr., SRT II Crew Chief = $21.17/hr.

A rookie Surf Rescue Technician (SRT) who enters our first Surf Rescue Academy in May and continues work following a normal schedule through Labor Day, has the earning potential of over $12,500.00 for the season. An additional $2,300.00 is available if the SRT works until the final day of our season which is the third Sunday after Labor Day in September. Calculated out, this comes to over $800.00 earning potential a week. There are also opportunities for additional work through other special opportunities for additional pay that include before and after hour coverage, competition team workouts, and end of season close-down responsibilities ($1,600.00 – $3,000.00).

After satisfactorily completing all phases of the pre-employment physical skill evaluation, the candidate will be appointed on a probationary basis to Surf Rescue Training Academy. While on probation, the candidate will receive instruction in open water rescues, beach patrol policies and procedures, basic oceanography, use of rescue equipment, Semaphore Communications (a series of signals using flags) radio protocol, and physical training consistent with the demands of the job. Candidates will also be trained as a first responder and receive certification in CPR, AED, First Aid and Stop The Bleed. Successful completion of all phases of Surf Rescue Academy is required to earn SRT rank and assignment to the beach. All phases of Surf Rescue Academy must be completed in succession as determined by the Director of training. Candidates receiving an appointment will have two Surf Rescue Training Academies to choose from beginning the week before Memorial Day and the 3rd full week in June.

In addition to providing a memorable experience, the Beach Patrol will also serve as a valuable reference for future educational and career opportunities. Furthermore, many past employees credit the Beach Patrol experience as being the single most influential turning point in their lives and the foundation upon which their life’s success is based.

Do you hire new employees on a part time schedule?

The OCBP does not offer part-time employment to new employees. The training for a rookie SRT is on-going throughout the season and requires each new SRT to attend several training opportunities and therefore cannot accommodate any part time schedule for that first year. We require our part-time employees to have at least one year of successful experience with the Ocean City Beach Patrol before being afforded the opportunity to work part-time. Additionally, employees who are on probation are not eligible for part-time employment.


Yes, we do offer three other job classifications, other than SRT (Surf Lifeguard) that do not have the same physical requirements:

Surf Beach Facilitator – Each summer, we employ nine (9) individuals for the position of Surfing Beach Facilitator (SBF). The SBF establishes, maintains, and enforces the boundaries between swimmers and surfers. SBFs educate beach patrons as to how the surfing beach operates and rotates. Since the duties of this position differ from those of the SRT (Surf Lifeguard), the qualifications and training correspond more directly with the responsibilities of the job. If you would like more information about the duties of the SBF or would like to apply for one of the positions, please call 410-289-7556 and ask to speak with Lt. Kovacs or email us at [email protected]. You may request information by clicking the following link to our registration and information form. Surfing Beach Facilitator (SBF) Request

Office Associate – We employ three (3) individuals who support the administration and leadership of the Beach Patrol. Duties include but are not limited to data entry, payroll entry, purchasing, record keeping and updating, creating and publishing weekly newsletters, press articles and releases, off-season newsletters, testing campaign literature, social media posts, as well as maintaining a historical archive, and other duties as assigned. Those interested in these positions should contact the beach patrol at 410-289-7556 or e-mail [email protected] to request availability status and information.

Junior Beach Patrol Assistant Instructor – We employ six (6) individuals who work with the Junior Beach Patrol (JBP) program each season. Applicants for this position must have successfully completed all four levels of the Junior Beach Patrol program and be 15 or 16 years old by the start of the first JBP session. Applicants must pass a modified Run and Swim test before being scheduled for an interview.


We encourage all potential employees to ask as many questions as necessary in preparation for the test and job. If there are issues not addressed on this Web site, please feel free to contact us: Captain Arbin, [email protected], ; O.C.B.P. Headquarters, [email protected]109 Talbot Street, Ocean City, MD 21842; or call (410)289-7556.

The Town of Ocean City has made housing available for approximately 13 Beach Patrol employees for the summer season. This housing is only available to those who have passed the pre-employment skills evaluation and have been appointment to the Training Academy or those who are current Beach Patrol employees. Information on these housing opportunities will be given to all those who pass the skills evaluation. For more help with housing touch base with veterans and other new employees at Ocean City Beach Patrol Facebook site. Since this housing is limited, we encourage potential employees to contact the Chamber of Commerce in Ocean City. The Chamber is able to give you a full listing of rental business and contacts. The Chamber of commerce can be reached at 410-213-0552. You can also visit their offices on Route 50 in West Ocean City. You can also contact the Visitor Information Center at 1-800-OCOCEAN. Note: Once you get involved with the Beach Patrol, it has been our experience that veteran employees are helpful in assisting you find suitable accommodations. Additionally the Beach Patrol has an e-mail distribution list and can forward housing inquires to all Current employees. Contact Captain Arbin for assistance with this method.